Page 18 - Epistemo Vikas Leadership School Diary
P. 18

•      Prefects of different houses take turns and organizes the assembly every
               Friday and score points for their house.
        •      Assemblies may involve class reflections, celebrations, announcement,
               presentations, rewards, prize distribution, felicitations and special
        •      The lemur who is celebrating his/her birthday during that week can

               donate a new or used book to the school library.


               Attendance in school is central to educational achievement and school
               success. Parents must  ensure  that  students  attend school daily.  A
               minimum  of  85%  attendance is  mandatory  for  the student  to be
               promoted to the next grade.
        •      The principal must assure adherence to attendance rules and regulations
               and  notify  parents  of their responsibility  under  the compulsory

               attendance  school  law. The  teacher must  monitor and  report student
               absences on a daily and class basis and follow all rules and regulations
               concerning attendance.
        •      To be counted present a student must be in attendance at least one-half
               of the student school day. This shall include attendance at official school
               activities at a place other than school with the approval of the principal.
               A student shall be in his/her assigned area at the beginning of the school
               day and the beginning of each class or be recorded as tardy.
        •      An absence is excused if the following conditions exist:
               o     Illness or injury which makes the student physically unable to attend
               o     Isolation ordered by the Department of Health or the Doctor.
               o     Death in family.
               o     Medical, dental, or other appointment with a health care provider for
                     the student or for a child for whom the student is a custodial parent.
               o     Family re-unions or wedding in the family.
               o     Religious observance, as suggested by the religion of the student or

                     the student's parents.
               o     Participation in a valid educational opportunity, such as travel with
                     prior approval, as documented on the "Request for Excused Absence
                     for Educational Reasons."
               o     A catastrophic event or natural disaster.
        •      Leave may be granted to the students at the recommendation of the form
               teacher by the Principal of the school.
        •      Half day leave may be granted to the students in urgent cases only. It
               should be duly signed by the parents/ guardian in the permission slip.
        •      During examination no student shall avail leave. In case of emergency it
               may be granted by the Principal of the school.
        •      In all cases sanction of leave shall be at the discretion of the Principal.
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