Page 8 - Epistemo Vikas Leadership School Diary
P. 8

School’s Mascot

            The Lemur is our school mascot, and we refer to our students as
            lemurs.  Lemurs not only share our trait of opposable thumbs,
            they're  extremely  intelligent and can  even learn  tasks that are
            complex.  They live and work in teams, and always put the interest
            of the team above themselves.   They know their boundaries and
            respect them.  All these are traits and qualities that we should
            aspire for as twenty first century citizens living and working in a
            complex multi-faceted world.

                         SCHOOL PRAYER                                        SCHOOL SONG

                                                                          Epistemo O Epistemo,
           { gh WkddSn Œ
                                                             You teach us to sail o’er the high seas of life,

           gh Wy \nWĉ n Œ                                          Even if the waves are high or low,
                                                               You teach us never, to give up the strife.
           gh dm^« D_dkdhu Œ
                                                                      Let’s sing with joy together,
           StKlÖd WkdVmS]ÖSn ]k ldlĬfkdhu ŒŒ
                                                             Our pride in our school as we rejoice, With

                                                              knowledge gained, O Alma mater, We shall
           Âd]td ]kSk I lYSk Âd]td Œ                                  always make rightful choice.

           Âd]td [ÆVnIJ gEk Âd]td Œ                                        Epistemo O Epistemo,
                                                             A part of our thought, our heart, our might,
           Âd]td ldīk þldR]z Âd]td Œ
                                                                    Before the almighty let us bow,
           Âd]td gdª]z ]] Utd Utd                             To walk us through life as we shine your


           4gSx]k gģ]^ Œ                                              Let’s sing with joy together,

           S]gx ]k º^xlSFª]^ Œ                                As you fill us with courage and confidence,
                                                                         With prudence gained,
           ]pÂ^x]kª 4]pS2F]^ Œ                              O Alma mater, We shall always make rightful
           eklÆS3 eklÆS3 eklÆS3 ŒŒ
                                                                          Epistemo O Epistemo
                                                                 Your Ideals imbibed in all that we do,

                                                                        Your values we’ll uphold,
                                                                 A promise forever we make unto you.
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